My priorities on the DCC

Supporting progressive candidates for office

Santa Cruz County needs strong, qualified, community-driven, competent progressives in office. I will support the work of identifying, empowering, and supporting progressive candidates for office.

Advocating progressive and outside-the-box housing policy to combat the cost of living crisis

Housing is the most important issue for many in Santa Cruz. I’ll push the DCC to use its platform to advocate effective solutions for affordable housing and support housing champions for office.

Addressing climate change through land use and transit policy

In a county where about two-thirds of our carbon emissions come from transportation, we need to shorten commutes and get people out of cars. I will champion public transit, active transportation, and dense housing near jobs as a member of the DCC.

Being an ally to unions and the working class

Economic inequality is at the root of many of our community’s problems. On the DCC, I will support policies and candidates which seek to alleviate this inequality. I will be a reliable ally to labor in their organizing and electoral efforts.

Supporting the work of our party

We need a local Democratic Party that is present and strong. I will support the work of fundraising, outreach, voter registration, legislative advocacy, and holding elected officials accountable as a delegate to the DCC.